Monday, November 30, 2009

A Month of Being Thankful

"M" is for Mia

There isn't a day or even a minute that goes by that I'm not thankful for having been blessed with Mia. Mia is the embodiment of love, joy, kindness, curiosity, adventure, and energy all rolled up into one exuberant little girl who has a verve for life like no other. She is a tom boy one day digging in the mud and a very girlie girl the next dressed in one of her many princess dresses. She is always asking questions and desires to know and learn all she can. Mia is a great big sister that thrives in teaching Wyatt how to do something. Mia is just Mia and we love her so much.

Now, don't get me wrong, we have our rough moments for sure, times when she hears you but doesn't move a muscle, times when she's just not going to budge when all you really want is an inch but the sweet moments wash all bad ones aside like a wave washes the beach clean everyday. There were footprints or anger there one moment and with one wave of water or emotion, they are gone and the moment is new again.

Mia is amazing in every sense of the word and Cary and I can't really remember life in such bright color before August 1, 2005.

I love you Mia!!

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