Monday, November 2, 2009

A Month of Being Thankful

"A" is for Audrey

We've had Audrey in our lives for 81/2 years now and she's still the same playful dog that she was at 3 when this photo was taken. Audrey loves to run, fetch, play and a good belly rub. She's the most loyal friend you could ask for and she always happy to see you. She's the 1st person to greet you when you get home and the last to nuzzle her nose under your arm to say goodnight. She loves fun. Audrey is 100% love. Audrey is so gentle to Mia and Wyatt and wouldn't hurt a fly although she belts out a heart stopping bark in the night at the slightest sound, so she a great burglar alarm too (she's all bark, no bite, don't tell). We all love Audrey. Today, we are reminded how thankful we are that Audrey is in our lives.

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