Friday, November 20, 2009

A Month of Being Thankful

"H" is for Health

When it comes to my health I find I take it for granted until the second I don't have it. When I'm healthy, which thankfully is most of the time, it's not top of mind. But, the second my throat starts to tickle or I get an ache somewhere it's all I can think about.

Now, when it comes to my kids, it's a completely different story. For Mia and Wyatt, I think of their health night and day, getting them their vaccines on time (when I heard the medical office had the H1N1 vaccine in stock I dropped everything and took them, sooooo thankful for that), taking them to their well-checks like clockwork, and when there is a child with a runny nose in the room I have to admit I do keep them a bit closer to me. We are so lucky in the US to have such a great healthcare system I am reminded of that very often because as a Mom of 2 young kiddos I unfortunately visit the doctor more than I care to admit.

I need to make a conscious effort to be thankful for my health daily. I'll start today!

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