Friday, October 1, 2010

Wyatt Turns the BIG 3!!

Where are the years going? Blink and I feel like I miss one. Sweetness passes before my eyes and if growing up so quickly. Don't get me wrong, it's fun, oh so fun, to watch, but at the same time sad. I keep asking him to please stay small forever...he thinks that's funny. Well, this year we celebrated dinosaur style. He's infatuated with dinosaurs and it's fun. Oh, and what made this birthday extra, extra special was that he got to celebrate with Grampy, side-by-side, blowing their own cake candles out together. What a great memory. My Dad always tells us that Wyatt was the best birthday present ever. Love that.

This year we did an archeological dig, a dino egg hunt, pin the tail on the dino, you get the picture...anything that we could think of that would remotely relate to a dinosaur.

After the roar of the party died down, the Pastor from Church came over to dedicate Wyatt to God, so great that we could do this with the whole family present.

We closed the night down with the smores at the firepit and a little serenade from Wyatt and his new guitar, great, sweet memories :).

Wyatt, you are a special, special boy, unlike any other that I've come across. Your sweetness oozes out your pores, you have such a big caring heart. You Daddy, Sister and I just adore you to pieces and can't imagine life before you were part of ours. What a blessing you are, straight from God, perfect in every way, made in his likeness. Thank you for all that you do. Please, don't every change.


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