Tuesday, August 17, 2010

A Brave New World

Today was a big day for our whole family. Mia, sweet Mia, is no longer a preschooler and she's moved on to a new school. WOW, I didn't think it would hit me so hard, and I soon discovered it was for days like this that God created sunglasses.

I had to be strong for Mia because she was just as nervous as I was, if not more, for her debut as a kindergartner at a new school. We pulled up to the school, found parking (and after that task seemed impossible I was almost OK with saying, "Well Mia, maybe we'll just start tomorrow" but alas, that wasn't an option), we walked up to the classroom, snapped a few pics (have to keep capturing these firsts) and to my excitement, Mia and a girl she met at the park a week or so ago hugged and became fast friends.

With every passing day I hope the drop off will get easier for us but that the excitement for the road ahead doesn't lose it's glow.

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