Tuesday, August 17, 2010

A Brave New World

Today was a big day for our whole family. Mia, sweet Mia, is no longer a preschooler and she's moved on to a new school. WOW, I didn't think it would hit me so hard, and I soon discovered it was for days like this that God created sunglasses.

I had to be strong for Mia because she was just as nervous as I was, if not more, for her debut as a kindergartner at a new school. We pulled up to the school, found parking (and after that task seemed impossible I was almost OK with saying, "Well Mia, maybe we'll just start tomorrow" but alas, that wasn't an option), we walked up to the classroom, snapped a few pics (have to keep capturing these firsts) and to my excitement, Mia and a girl she met at the park a week or so ago hugged and became fast friends.

With every passing day I hope the drop off will get easier for us but that the excitement for the road ahead doesn't lose it's glow.

Sunday, August 15, 2010

Another Circle Around the Sun

Another trip around the sun is under my belt and what fun it was celebrating the journey with my friends and family.

Sunday, August 1, 2010

She's 5!!

Everyday it seems like a new milestone has passed and this weekend was no exception. And WOW, it was a biggie. Mia turned 5. With 5 comes the big K...grab your Kleenex, get ready, yes, K for Kindergarten. That's right, no more sweet little pre-school. I truly can't believe it. I'm rushed with emotions. Excitement, anxiety, sadness, comfort and disbelief all in the same breath. Moms and Dads out there, you know what I mean by each and every one of these adjectives.

It's crazy, where do the years go? With a blink of my eye, she went from just learning to walk to 5!!

Here's how the day went. Exhausted from the party prep the day before I was hoping to grab a tiny bit more sleep, but that wasn't in the cards. I was woken as I overheard Mia and Wyatt quietly talking in her room.

WYATT: Mia, what are you doing?
MIA: Getting my dress on, today is my birthday. I went to sleep when I was 4 and woke up and now I'm 5. It's my birthday today!

After hearing the sweet exchange, I got up to soak it all in. Mia was dressed in her Snow White dress because Sunday, August 1st, wasn't just any ol' birthday party, it was her princess party.

The kids played while my Mom, Dad, Cary and I ran around getting all the last minute pieces in place.

At 1 o'clock the kids started arriving, the girls dressed like their favorite princess and the boys like charming princes. At 2 o'clock sharp we had a guest arrived that knocked the kids socks off...it was none other than Snow White herself. The kids stared at her in amazement, hugged her, stared some more and then started to pepper her with questions. "Where's the dwarfs? You could have brought your little bird friends. Who's at Disneyland if you're here?" TOO CUTE!! Snow White entertained the questions like a champ.

Ellie, my kiddos nanny and one of their favorite people on the planet, did the girls hair beautifully while Snow White's assistant did some face painting. It was great.

At the end of the day we all collapsed with exhaustion...but it's all about celebrating Mia's life and creating memories. And, at the end of the day, I think we succeeded.

Mia said it was "a great day!" Really, that's all I needed to hear.

We love you honey!
Mommy & Daddy