Friday, October 30, 2009

Overheard In The Backseat

Yesterday we were on our way to the doctor to get the kids the Swine Flu immunization. Mia was pretty OK with the idea because she knows she always gets a treat after. Wyatt is just 2 now and knows that shot = poke = he's wasn't quite as willing. What was overheard..."Wyatt, I'll go first so I can show you how to be brave". My heart melted and I gave Mia a big thank you. So, now both kids are pretty ready for where the car is headed. We arrive, I get them out of their car seats, we walk in to the office just to hear these words, "we're out". UGH! Back to the car with big hugs for being so brave and an extra special thanks to Mia for being such a BIG big sister.

I hope this trip plays out so nicely in 2 weeks :)

Thursday, October 29, 2009

Goodnight Sugar, Goodnight Plum

At night after reading to Mia I say "Goodnight Sugarplum", I tuck her in and she drifts off to sleep. One night I just said "Goodnight Sugar" and she followed with "Goodnight Plum"....we laughed. That night inspired how we say goodnight now. Mia inspired the name of this blog. I hope this is a place that inspires laughter and ideas for you and your family.

Goodnight Plum.